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Welcome to Liberty Mutual's developer portal.


The Liberty Mutual Developer Portal is an interactive portal that allows you to view API documentation, register your client "Apps", manage your credentials, and try the APIs in real-time. (The "try it out" feature is not available for all APIs)

API Product Documentation

The APIs menu link will take you to a list of all APIs. Clicking on an API in the list will take you to a specification page that lists the resources and methods for that API. You can then click on a resource method, which will take you to an interactive page that will provide a more complete set of documentation, including a Description, Resource URL, Header Parameters, Body Parameters, Response Error Detail, and Resource Summary, etc. There are also a set of tabs that display Request, Response, and cURL output. This page is also where you can interactively send a request using your api credentials, and see real-time examples of the Request, Response, and cURL command.


In order to use the APIs, you will first need to sign up or login to the portal and access the Apps page, which is where you will register your "Apps" and get the credentials needed to access the APIs.


In order to call APIs you will need to get credentials that are associated to your "Apps". The Apps page will allow you to register your "Apps", subscribe to API products, and retrieve your credentials (Consumer Key and Consumer Secret). Each "App" can include one or more API products. Once an "App" is created you can access all the necessary information needed by clicking on the "App" name.

This Apps page also provides additional information for each app and includes the following tabs:

  • Credentials
  • Delete
  • Analytics

Credentials are necessary to call APIs and are generated when creating an app and selecting API products. Once generated, these credentials will be used to access the APIs. These credentials are associated with your app and are used for access and to identify your app as the user of the API. Once created, it's very important that you secure these credentials and manage them appropriately. The credentials can be regenerated, revoked, or deleted if necessary. In some cases, APIs will simply require an API key (Consumer Key), but in other cases such as OAuth, you will be required to use the full combination (Consumer Key and Consumer Secret). These keys are also used to collect app-level analytics for the APIs you're registered to use


Analyze a broad spectrum of data that flows across APIs. For example, while the API is deployed the analytics system is constantly counting and analyzing metrics like the number of messages received, number of developers, response times, errors, number of apps in use, request size, and many others.

To see the analytics specific to your app, access your apps on the Apps page and select the Analytics tab:

  • Average response time
  • Max Response Time
  • Min Response Time
  • Message Count
  • Error Count